Jalal K. Siddiqui, PhD

Since 2017, i have been a bioinformatics postdoctoral researcher at The Ohio State University. As a postdoc, I have worked on developing methods to integrate multi-omics datasets (microbiome, metabolome, gene expression) in order to identify important associations that are dependent (or modified) by diseases (e.g. cancer). My postdoctoral work has resulted in 2 publications (1 first-author), 1 textbook chapter, postdoctoral fellowship funding, and a travel award.

My PhD was in Biophysics and was focused on the role of calcium binding proteins in heart physiology and disease. My primary focus was on understanding how the calcium binding properties of troponin C, a calcium binding switch controlling contraction and relaxation, were influended by its interactions with troponin I. My work resulted in 6 publications (1 first author) and presentation abstracts at departmental and international conferences.

Prior to my work at Ohio State, I earned a BS and MEng in chemical engineering from Cornell University.